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My Journey

April 27,2018 I’ll never forget the entry I wrote in my journal. I was 31 years old and hit a rut in my personal and professional journey that I didn’t know how to get out of. What I did know was that the solution to my dilemma would no longer come from living a safe and secure lifestyle or climbing the professional success ladder.


“You have to dig deeper than you ever have, for things to change, Justin you have to change. Listen to your heart and give life to your dream. Only you have the tools and ability to bring your dreams to life. It’s your duty to fight for that. This is the perfect time & opportunity to make it happen. Live full so you can die empty...”


This entry was shaped from years of following the conventional path and well­-intentioned advice every mentor, advisor, and school counselor gave me. I thought after graduating college, earning a Masters degree, and securing my “dream job” I would experience the promised happiness and peace of mind that I believed came with hitting all of the check boxes of academic achievement and career success, but instead I felt stuck, unfulfilled, and that I was just existing in the world - not truly engaged.


I no longer wanted to settle.


Deep down I knew there was more adventure and purpose to life than the 9-5 grind, living for the weekends, saving for retirement, so I went searching for it.  I started coming across bloggers, content creators, and inspirational minds like Aileen Xu, Michaela Alexis, Les Brown, and Stephen Covey that talked about this philosophy of Lifestyle Design.... designing your life the way you want it to be. 

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Green tea

My Work

This curiosity led me to start my own passion project in 2018 - to interview 100 people over the course of 2 years to learn how they shaped their lives and wrote their own life script. 


These interviews gave me a new sense of inspiration, direction, and commitment to continue the process of trusting my inner guide, getting outside my comfort zone, and designing my dream life. 


I’m experiencing a new level of consciousness and fulfillment that I didn’t realize was even possible. And that is what has inspired me to transform that personal passion project into the Living Once Twice podcast and lifestyle design platform. My hope is to help others in their journey rewrite their narrative, reinvent themselves, and reimagine their own lives.


If you’ve found yourself living life by a script you didn’t choose and you’re only discovering it now, don’t get too down on yourself. It happens to the best of us. Luckily, it’s never too late to begin rewriting a new script for your life.


My Hope

My journey of self-discovery and self-actualization continues as I learn new insights and ideas along the way (which I’ll continue to share!)


I’m grateful that you are embracing your own journey,

I hope the resources here help you in your self-exploration and realization,

I believe that you can reach the highest levels of your power to make your dream life a reality.

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